When I look into Koda's eyes I see trust, loyalty and love.
When I need a hand, I found her paw.
A dogs nose prints are like our fingerprints, unique to that dog and can even help identify them.
Koda loves going on walks and exploring.
Just as much as she loves taking naps.
Koda likes to sit on the back of the couch like a cat and look out the window.
We call it her perch.
Koda is a people person, she will cuddle and love anyone she meets.
She is a very goofy dog that loves to show off her double chin.
Koda is a high jumper, we laugh at her because she looks like she is levitating.
Koda loves to get her picture taken.
She is a great listener and even though she can't talk back..
She responds with her expressions.
Koda was born on April 18th 2017
Koda's favorite season is the Summer cause of all the people that come over and our cookouts.
She loves to be the center of attention